Our Rituals
The Wiccan Church of Canada (WCC) Hamilton Temple is happy to be able to offer in person rituals once again. The WCC Hamilton Temple is now offering biweekly onsite rituals. For scheduled rituals, check our Facebook page: The Wiccan Church of Canada (WCC) Hamilton Temple or our Calendar
When scheduled, Open Circles are held on Saturday evenings: gathering between 7:00 and 7:30 PM and starting around 8:00 PM on the 2nd level at the Sky Dragon Centre at 27 King William Street, Hamilton. Relay Coffee Roasters are located on the main level of the building. All are welcome! Please note that while rituals are in progress the doors to ritual area are locked. For this reason we recommend arriving by 7:30 PM.
Though circles are usually geared for adults, families with children of all ages are welcome. However, parental permission is necessary for unaccompanied individuals under the age of 18. Sabbats will usually be on the Saturday, the week before the Sabbat date. This will allow temple members who have private celebrations to attend our public rituals.. Bringing food for the feast is always deemed a gift to the community and to the Gods! Sabbat ritual dates and any other Special Announcements regarding rituals will be posted on the Schedules page. Please hover over the links in the calendar with your mouse or click on them for further information. Expect each circle to be unique – as we expand and deepen our relationship with the infinite aspects of Divinity, as manifested throughout the ancient world, be it Celtic or Norse, Roman or Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian or simply ‘The Lord and Lady’. We believe everybody should have the opportunity to open worship, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, rank, training, or traditional affiliation.
Many people wear robes, but street clothing is more than acceptable. Please note that in WCC circles only the officiating priesthood and temple staff carry athames (ritual daggers).
Rituals are free of charge, but we survive on donations which pay for the use of the space, materials used in ritual, and our community outreach. Any donations may be given to the Handmaiden or Treasurer. We also collect non-perishable food for Hamilton Foodshare and any donations towards this are welcome. If you have questions about the rituals, please send e-mail to lph.wcc@gmail.com